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Forensic Psychiatry


Head of the Forensic Psychiatry

apl. Prof. Dr. Harald Dreßing

Phone: +49 621 1703-2941


Research and Administrative Building, 4th Floor, Room 408 Secretariat: Martina Herbig E-Mail
Phone: +49 0621 1703-2381

Main Medical Building, 1st Floor, Room 155


The Section Forensic Psychiatry has two main objectives: First: Providing forensic psychiatric assessment (criminal responsibility, legal prognosis, etc.) and training of the interns in forensic psychiatry.  The second objective includes research activities as the system analysis of forensic mental health care institutions and treatment strategies in the European Union Member states (EUPRIS) (together with WG Mental Health Services Research). Stalking: Epidemiology of stalking, evaluation of a treatment programme for stalking victims, training course for professionals working with women victims of stalking (Daphne programme), stress-responsive systems and stalking (together with WG Stress-related disorders). Compulsory admission and compulsory treatment in psychiatry (together with RG Mental Health Services Research). Implications of fMRI for the law and the routine practice of forensic psychiatry: neuroimaging of offenders with psychopathy; neuroimaging of sexual offenders (together with the director of the CIMH).
Institut für Gerichtliche Psychologie und Psychatrie, Universitätsklinikum des Saarlands Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen Institut für Sexualforschung und Forensische Psychiatrie, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf Klinik für Forensische Psychiatrie Klingenmünster, Bezirksverband Pfalz Klinik Nette-Gut für Forensische Psychiatrie an der Rhein-Mosel-Fachklinik Andernach Klinik für Forensiche Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie am PZN Wiesloch

Cooperation partner

Institute for Criminologiy at Heidelberg University (Subprojekt 3 and Subprojekt 5)Institute for Gerontology at the Heidelberg University (Subprojekt 2)Full Professor for criminology, youth criminal law and enforcement, Universität Gießen (Subprojekt 3)Education This discipline is taught as part of a teaching assistantship in the Law Faculty at the University of Mannheim - see Education / Additional subjects / For Law students

Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit (ZI) - https://www.zi-mannheim.de