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Sara Schmitz

Tel.: 0621 1703-4403


C 4, 11, 4. OG, Raum 405

Postanschrift: J 5, 68159 Mannheim

Publikationen in peer-reviewed Zeitschriften seit 2006

TOP 5 Publikationen:

  1. Hepp J, Carpenter RW, Störkel LM, Schmitz S, Schmahl C, Niedtfeld I. A systematic review of daily life studies on non-suicidal self-injury based on the four-function model.Clin Psychol Rev. 2020 82:101888. Epub 2020 Jul 6.
  2. Hepp J, Schmitz S, Urbild J, Zauner KZ, Niedtfeld I. Childhood maltreatment is associated with distrust and negatively biased emotion processing.BPDED. 2021 8(1):5.
  3. Schmitz S, Niedtfeld I, Lane SP, Seitz KI, Hepp J. Negative affect provides a context for increased distrust in the daily lives of individuals with a history of childhood maltreatment.J Trauma Stress. 2023 36(4):808-819. Epub 2023 Jul 12.
  4. Seitz KI, Ehler N, Schmitz M, Schmitz S, Dziobek I, Herpertz SC, Bertsch K. Affective and cognitive theory of mind in posttraumatic stress, major depressive, and somatic symptom disorders: Association with childhood trauma.Br J Clin Psychol. 2022 61(3):680-700.
  5. Schmitz S, Hepp J, Lane SP, Niedtfeld I. The effect of momentary mood on appraisal of facial affect and distrust: an experimental approach using ambulatory assessment.Cogn Emot. 2021 35(7):1423-1430.

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