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Dr. Ainhoa Bilbao

Publikationen in peer-reviewed Zeitschriften seit 2006

TOP 5 Publikationen:

  1. Engblom D, Bilbao A, Sanchis-Segura C, Dahan L, Perreau-Lenz SP, Balland B, Parkitna JR, Luján R, Halbout B, Mameli M, Parlato R, Sprengel R, Lüscher C, Schütz G, Spanagel R. Glutamate receptors on dopamine neurons control the persistence of cocaine seeking.Neuron. 2008 59(3):497-508.
  2. Dong L, Bilbao A, Laucht M, Henriksson R, Yakovleva T, Ridinger M, Desrivieres S, Clarke TK, Lourdusamy A, Smolka MN, Cichon S, Blomeyer D, Treutlein J, Perreau-Lenz SP, Witt S, Leonardi-Essmann F, Wodarz N, Zill P, Soyka M, Albrecht U, Rietschel M, Lathrop M, Bakalkin G, Spanagel R, Schumann G. Effects of the Circadian Rhythm Gene Period 1 (Per1) on Psychosocial Stress-Induced Alcohol Drinking.Am J Psychiatry. 2011 168(10):1090-8. Epub 2011 Aug 9.
  3. Bilbao A, Robinson JE, Heilig M, Malanga CJ, Spanagel R, Sommer WH, Thorsell A. A Pharmacogenetic Determinant of Mu-Opioid Receptor Antagonist Effects on Alcohol Reward and Consumption: Evidence from Humanized Mice.Biol Psychiatry. 2015 77(10):850-8. Epub 2014 Sep 8.
  4. Knabbe J, Protzmann J, Schneider N, Berger M, Dannehl D, Wei S, Strahle C, Tegtmeier M, Jaiswal A, Zheng H, Krüger M, Rohr K, Spanagel R, Bilbao A, Engelhardt M, Scholz H, Cambridge SB. Single-dose ethanol intoxication causes acute and lasting neuronal changes in the brain.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 119(25):e2122477119.
  5. Stacey D, Bilbao A, Maroteaux M, Jia T, Easton AC, Longueville S, Nymberg C, Banaschewski T, Barker GJ, Büchel C, Carvalho F, Conrod PJ, Desrivieres S, Fauth-Bühler M, Fernández-Medarde A, Flor H, Gallinat J, Garavan H, Bokde AL, Heinz A, Ittermann B, Lathrop M, Lawrence C, Loth E, Lourdusamy A, Mann KF, Martinot JL, Nees F, Palkovits M, Paus T, Pausova Z, Rietschel M, Ruggeri B, Santos E, Smolka MN, Staehlin O, Jarvelin MR, Elliott P, Sommer WH, Mameli M, Müller CP, Spanagel R, Girault JA, Schumann G, the IMAGEN Consortium , IMAGEN Consortium . RASGRF2 regulates alcohol-induced reinforcement by influencing mesolimbic dopamine neuron activity and dopamine release.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 109(51):21128-33. Epub 2012 Dec 5..

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